The birth of Pulse Audition comes from our cofounders’ dismay while watching their grandparents struggle to participate in family conversations. Advanced hearing aid technology exists, so why isn’t it helping them and so many other individuals with age-related hearing loss (presbycusis)?
In fact, despite modern hearing aids’ power to improve speech perception in quiet environments, they just don’t work well in noise.
To solve that, Pulse Audition is creating a revolutionary product: the Pulse Frames. A pair of hearing glasses that will allow you to effortlessly listen and stay connected in all of your conversations, no matter the noise.
In the interview, a frequent question comes up - why did we choose to integrate our speech enhancement technology in a pair of glasses?
Pulse Audition’s CEO, Manuel Pariente, explains:
“Glasses provide a natural wearable platform - they’re close to the eyes, to the users’ gaze and head movements, and to the ears in order to transmit sound.”
(“Les lunettes sont un plateforme de wearable naturel, qui va être à la fois proche des yeux, du regard, de l’orientation de la tête, et des oreilles pour pouvoir transmettre l’audio.”)
But that’s not all…
For a full insider’s look into the history behind the creation of Pulse Audition and the technology inside of the Pulse Frames, watch the LesEchos interview with Manuel that was done at VivaTech: Link
Interview in French